Hometown Heroes / Camp Reunite

Hometown Heroes focuses on addressing trauma in children through mental wellness techniques and trauma-informed care. One of the ways it provides this care is through trauma-based summer camps, such as Camp Reunite which serves children who have parents incarcerated within the Wisconsin Criminal System. Through art therapy, meditation, and building communication skills, Camp Reunite works to curtail the cycle of incarceration, while also reuniting children with their incarcerated parents during the camp stay. Camp Reunite creates a place to openly grieve while also serving as a place of healing and hope building.
With funding from the Fostering Futures Grant, Camp Reunite will offer a regular cadence of gatherings and all-day retreats throughout the year, supplementing the healing experience of summer camp. At these seasonal retreats, campers and their parents will gather for ongoing healing and hope as they engage in therapeutic activities such as art therapy, mediation, and yoga; take courses on practical skills such as STEM or financial literacy; sit and enjoy meals together as a family, and engage in safe, positive, and calm communication.
Hometown Heroes hopes that the participating children will learn to effectively communicate, make good choices for their futures, and learn to advocate for themselves. Additionally, it hopes campers will be able to share their fears, worries, and concerns about having a parent in prison with friends who have that shared experience. And ultimately, Camp Reunite hopes to provide hope and healing for these most deserving children who have been deeply affected by childhood trauma by welcoming campers to these trauma-informed Camp Reunite gatherings at least once per quarter.
Just after Christmas, Camp Reunite hosted a Winter Gathering Party at the Kacmarcik Center in Grafton. This event brings children from summer camp together with their families and friends to enjoy seasonal activities and fun including a meal shared together, reflections, mental wellness support, and a special “shopping” experience where the children receive new clothes and hygiene supplies to take home with them.
Thanks to the generous contributions made by members of Fostering Futures and The Violet Society, these children are able to reconnect with their parents during Winter Camp, receive holiday gifts, and feel supported in the ways that truly matter.